By striving for a perfect understanding of artistic intent, we shift the mere craftsmanship of the print to the position of the co-creators. With the experience of several generations, we are able to provide each artist with a unique approach, pushing the boundaries of how artistic imagination can be translated into printing techniques. If you have any ideas or questions about your work or our services, please get in touch.
Print Services
Thank you for your interest in our services. Below you will find a basic overview of our printing and related services.
We specialise in printing black and white and colour graphics using various intaglio printing techniques. We print exclusively with hand presses “wet” from one or more plates at the same time (offset printing). Of course, we can also print on press sheets intended for future binding of bibliophilics. We always recommend printing on finished sheets with printed text, so that the printed graphics are not compromised more than necessary in the subsequent processing of the books. Format-wise, we can print graphics from postage stamp size up to approx. 100 x 70 cm. Larger formats are also possible after consultation. Editions from one piece to hundreds. The number of prints is of course most limited by the technical condition and design of the plates.
For many decades, we have been working mainly with Charbonel (est. 1862), Le Franc & Bourgeois inks, which have been among the absolute best for more than a century.
We have a wide range of papers of different manufacturers (Czech, English, French, German, Italian), types and tones, handmade and machine-made, which you can choose for printing your prints. We will advise you on the choice according to the nature of the motif, processing and the intaglio printing technique used. For example, it is not always possible to transfer the fine details of an aquatint on coarse handmade paper such as Losin, etc. We can also print on paper supplied by you, if technically possible.
Our services also include electroplating of copper plates, which is a necessary process for the finishing of matrices, especially in the case of higher print runs.
If you have historic plates that need to be restored and possibly subsequently printed, we can also help with this. Restoration of historic plates involves removing damage, cleaning and restoring them to their original condition. Since it involves a mechanical or chemical process and often irreversible changes to the original materials of the printing matrices (typically damage to zinc, steel and copper through oxidation i.e. corrosion caused by age, moisture or generally improper storage), unfortunately our options regarding matrix salvage are often limited. On the other hand, our experience shows that in some cases even really bad looking plates can be successfully cleaned and subsequently printed. A case-by-case assessment is definitely in order – any unprofessional interference with the plates is definitely not recommended.
We also offer experiential workshops for artists and laypeople alike. If you’re interested in learning more about printing techniques or creating your own graphic sheet, we’d love to give you the opportunity to attend one of our workshops. It’s a great opportunity to explore the craft of art and create your own unique graphic for example as an original gift.